Press Kits

Regardless of the size or type of business you’re in, a press kit is an essential marketing item that can be used for quick reference and easy sharing. Though they are typically used by large, high-profile businesses, even a small start-up company can benefit from a tailored press kit. This type of marketing material is especially important for companies seeking investor attention or retention.

What Is a Press Kit?

A press kit can be thought of as a resume for your business, and should contain all your essential information, such as:

  • How long you’ve been in business
  • Mission statement
  • Biographies of management
  • Information on products & services
  • Audio & video files
  • Photos
  • Awards
  • Recent news stories

Many job seekers hire a professional to help them create a powerful resume, and businesses are no different. Hiring a professional team to assemble your press kit ensures that you have internal input to an outside view of your corporation. The kit should grab readers’ attention and highlight your business’ best qualities – from the inside looking out, you may overlook the smaller points of interest in your brand. An outside firm will catch these details and put them in the spotlight.

An effective press kit creates enough interest to prompt further inquiry but not so little information that the reader turns away with disinterest. Though the content should be thorough, be respectful of your intended audience’s time and avoid non-essential “fluff.” Your kit should be based on a proactive approach that addresses foreseeable questions from potential clients, the media, investors and others readers.

Begin with a Letter of Introduction (a pitch letter) and remember the importance of an exceptional first impression. Share anything special about your company and talk about why the reader should be interested in your business. Be sure to let readers know that you are available for follow-up interviews and questions.

Many companies understand the importance of a press kit and adopt an aggressive strategy to have one while others wait until there is a tangible need for one. Since it can take weeks to put one together, it is a wise business strategy to always have an up-to-date press kit on hand.

If your company doesn’t have a professionally created press kit or needs help improving the one you have, CBDWire (CBDW) can quickly learn about your company and its specific goals to effectively capture and relay the necessary information to your target base. With many years of experience, you can count on receiving a top-quality press kit that gets noticed by investors, media and clients.

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